Labels:bar | bulletin board | door | earth | fence | person | reckoner | sky | stairs | stairway OCR: abcdefghijkl ZXMATsbGouu A BC DEPG HIJK TTOFO RSTU ZFXM 012.3456789 + ]-:;/? 1 The quick brown fox jump the 1a,2y dog. 18 The quick brOW2 fox jumps over the lazy dog The fox jurps oer the 10zy dog 36 The oer t.he dog The bIO-TTt2 03E 60 T:Fe 9.71 b-TO-TTt2 jatrip DPT The 9.7 .bIOTTt2 bcdefg hijkltnopqr BODEPG HIIKLTROPO brOwt hrot jurp DFeI quich hIOTTt hIOTIt